Yahata lighthouse - how to climb - ghost of tsushima iki island ghost of tsushima yahata lighthouse. Канал: SnowWolf Gaming - Категория: Новости Дня - Дата: 18.05.2024
Yahata lighthouse ghost of tsushima directors cut
Автор: Captonki 10 320 просмотров
Yahata Lighthouse Record Epitaph Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island Playthrough
Автор: jester_VII 1 672 просмотра
Ghost of Tsushima How to Enter Yahata Yahata Lighthouse
Автор: Playstation GameXplain 95 просмотров
Yahata Lighthouse Iki Island DLC Ghost of Tsushima
Автор: Play Eka 60 просмотров
Ответы на вопросы:
How do you get into the Yahata Lighthouse?
It is however boarded up, so you'll have to climb around it by starting with the handholds on the left side of the Lighthouse. Once you make it to the top, you can make your way back down via the normal ladder, however the second one is missing, so you'll need to use your Grapple instead. 28 сент. 2022?г.
How do you complete the lighthouse in Ghost of Tsushima?
South of Saicho's Point in the map, just where the road ends, you'll find the Komoda Lighthouse. Climb up two ladders, make sure to pick up the Yew Wood x7, and then light the fire on the upper floor to complete the location.
Where is the lighthouse in Kamiagata?
You can find the Kin Lighthouse on the region of the same name in Kamiagata. It's located southeast from Iwai Village, just as the farthest corner to the right as you follow the road.
How to do the Jogaku lighthouse?
How to Get to Jogaku Lighthouse: You can find the Jogaku Lighthouse by following the road to the east from Izumi Village. It's located right on that last corner of the map, but beware of enemies.