Gamers react to the end of ghost of tsushima | gamers react ghost of tsushima ending reaction. Канал: Gamology - Категория: Новости Дня - Дата: 18.05.2024
YES I UGLYCRIED END OF GAME Ghost of Tsushima - Part 31
Автор: Beukie 66 511 просмотров
PewDiePie s Ending Ghost of Tsushima FULL VIDEO
Автор: GAMEBRO 194 665 просмотров
yes i literally beat the entire ending in one video pls watch
Автор: CoryxKenshin 10 817 843 просмотра
I can t believe it s over - Ghost of Tsushima ENDING
Автор: Gab Smolders 403 154 просмотра
Ответы на вопросы:
Is Ghost of Tsushima ending good?
Ghost of Tsushima good ending: save Lord Shimura
Each ending isn't so different from the other, but the 'good' ending starts with Jin admitting his lack of honor, but that he also refuses to murder one of his own.
Which Tsushima ending is canon?
Ghost of Tsushima's canon ending is apparently the one where Jin spares Lord Shimura, edging further into his role as the Ghost, and this suggests that their relationship could potentially be challenged again in a sequel.
Is Lord Shimura bad?
At first, he appears as a wise, caring and honorable man who strictly adheres to the samurai code, but as the game goes on, more of Lord Shimura's negative qualities are shown. Shimura developed methods of war and leadership contrary to his immaculate public image, making him a hypocrite.
Are there two endings to Ghost of Tsushima?
Ghost of Tsushima's ending varied depending on how players chose to conclude their gut-wrenching final battle, which split the narrative wildly in different ways and could cause complications for a sequel.