GPT-4 Turbo Самая Мощная Нейросеть 21 века Презентация на русском языке
Автор: Тест Тьюринга 481 576 просмотров
Introducing GPT-4
Автор: OpenAI 1 243 575 просмотров
Ответы на вопросы:
Is GPT-4 Turbo available?
We are thrilled to announce the general availability of GPT-4 Turbo with Vision on the Azure OpenAI Service, which processes both text and image inputs and replaces several preview models.
How do I get ChatGPT4 Turbo?
How can I get access to it?
Anyone with an OpenAI API account and existing GPT-4 access can use this model. The most recent version of model can be accessed by passing gpt-4-turbo as the model name in the API. You can read more about the differences across GPT-4 Turbo dated models in our developer documentation.
How to use GPT-4 Turbo for free?
How to Use GPT-4 Turbo in Copilot for Free. Anyone can now get OpenAI's smarter GPT-4 Turbo model in Copilot for free, though you have to choose to use the chatbot in Creative or Precise Mode to activate it.
Is GPT4O better than GPT-4?
BIG NEWS: OpenAI just announced "GPT-4o". It can reason with voice, vision, and text. The model is 2x faster, 50% cheaper, and has 5x higher rate limit than GPT-4 Turbo.