Steam Support :: Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) System. VAC bans are permanent, non-negotiable, and cannot be removed by Steam Support. If a VAC ban is determined to have been issued incorrectly, it will automatically be removed. If you wish to discuss Valve Anti-Cheat with the community, you may do so here.
Is it possible to get UN VAC banned?
No. VAC bans cannot be appealed. If a VAC ban is issued incorrectly it will be automatically removed after investigation, but Steam Support does not manually remove VAC bans applied to accounts for any reason.
Are VAC bans delayed?
It is only after a delay of "days or even weeks" that the account is permanently banned from "VAC Secure" servers for that game, possibly along with other games that use the same engine (e.g. Valve's Source games, GoldSrc games, Unreal Engine games).
How long are VAC banned?
VAC bans are permanent. You're only banned from the game you cheated in, though.