Dota 2 Weather Effects (Harvest, Pestilence, and Sirocco) - TI5
Автор: DotaCinema 361 878 просмотров
Dota 2 Terrains and Weather Effects - Which combination is the best
Автор: DotaCinema 169 247 просмотров
Автор: TheBaltazarTV 52 152 просмотра
Ответы на вопросы:
What is the weather rain effect in Dota 2?
Weather Rain is a cosmetic item that changes the weather on the Dota 2 map to rainy weather, complete with occasional lightning flashes and faint thunder. It is given out in Genuine quality to players that own The International Compendium 2014.
What is the weather item in Dota 2?
Weather Effects are cosmetic items that can be equipped to change the weather of the Dota 2 map. This change will only be visible to the player that equips the item.
How to get rid of snow in Dota 2?
You can turn off the snow in main menu by typing "+r_drawparticles 0" in DotA2 launch options : r/DotA2.