Welcome to my channel my channel is all about tech and retro gaming I do post other videos here like product review videos as well but it is mostly about tech and gaming If you see any commercials or ads that you don 39 t like on my videos I am not responsible for the ads that are on my videos The rules are very simple don 39 t use profanity on my channel and be respectful
Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown 2019 PC How to Change Controls
2 просмотра
Cyborg Hunter 1988 Sega Master System BGM
5 просмотров
Dragon Crystal 1991 Sega Master System BGM
5 просмотров
Ecco the Dolphin 1993 Sega Master System BGM
3 просмотра
Captain Silver 1988 Sega Master BGM
11 просмотров
Air Duel 1990 Arcade BGM
18 просмотров
Indiana Jones the Last Crusade Graphics Adventure 1990 FM Towns BGM